
When you enter a mindset, you enter a new world. In one world (the world of fixed traits) success is about proving you’re smart or talented. Validating yourself. In the other (the world of changing qualities) it’s about stretching yourself to learn something new. Developing yourself.

(Carol S. Dweck, Psychologist known for the Mindset theory)

The Status Quo & The Long Term Goal

Over the last couple of years Kiron has gone through different organisational management approaches from holocracy to hierarchical ways of working. After testing out different approaches, Kiron currently applies a hybrid approach towards organisational management where some teams work in a self-organised manner and some other teams keep the hierarchical ways of working.

The transition to self-organised ways of working required a new approach to the conventional HR processes. Some of the important questions that People Team had were:

-How to undertake yearly performance review where no managers exist in the team structures?

-How do career paths look like when there is no ladder to climb?

After digging deeper on these questions we came to the conclusion that People Team had the following long term goal: eradicating the stigma that in social enterprises there are no opportunities to grow.

We also figured out that performance review meant creating learning opportunities for employees instead of assessing whether an employee is performing or not. Based on that, we reframed our design challenge:

How can we support the growth journey of employees that foster continuous learning through feedback and development opportunities?

People Team Long Term Goal

People Team Long Term Goal


We interviewed with 6 Kironistas who take different roles in the organisation. With interviews we explored Kironistas' needs, their current experiences regarding developing themselves in the organisation, what growth means for them, what makes them feel developing. We captured some important insights that guided us in designing solutions.

Insight 1: Development of people can’t be designed for the sake of development. It needs “Why” and “Where to” and these are determined by the clear organisation strategy

People want to understand the link between what they are doing and where Kiron wants to go. They want to co-create the strategy and find ways to grow in the organisation that is aligned with Kiron’s business growth strategy. Because linking growth path to Kiron’s business strategy makes people feel they increase the impact of their work.

Insight 2: In self-organised agile teams, the responsibility of developing oneself belongs to individuals themselves and their teams