Here we have compiled the most asked questions we get from our Playsprint participants plus the answers to them.
- How much should we share about our previous experiences in the team check in?
- There are still topics that we want to explore deeper and understand better!
- What do we do with what we heard afterwards?
- How many people do we need to interview?
- We heard so much in our interviews, how can we filter this?
- There are conflicting opinions on the same topic, how do we deal with this?
- I am from HR, I have the feeling people don't really open up with me :(
- What are other ways of doing research? What about doing surveys?
- We heard very individual experiences, is it okay to draw conclusions from that?
- We want to have a solution for as many employees as possible, why do we focus in only one person then?
- About the persona, does this person need to exist? Does this person need to be the one we interviewed?